Warmest Welcome Ltd collects and safely stores the following data:-

All data collected and stored by the company is done so following the Data Protection Act (GDPR From 25th May 2018) and will;

Resident’s information and personal data collected and stored by Warmest Welcome Ltd will be shared only with those approved people (health care professionals) and with the consent of the person to whom the data refers.

Family/relative/advocates information/data is collected and stored by Warmest Welcome Ltd to keep them up-dated about the Residents care, we do not share this data/information with anyone else without their express permission.

Employees/Staff data/information may be shared/used for:  reference purposes, to provide information to an external wages bureaux, pension service, HMRC, Trade Union, Local Authority Commissioners, the Regulator or to comply with any legal requirement to do so; and with your express permission.

Warmest Welcome Ltd is registered with the ICO (Information Commissioners Office) and abides by its codes of practise.

We will retain information for the minimum period required legally, after this period we will ensure the secure destruction of confidential material.

Should you require any additional information please speak with the Home Manager or a Company Director

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